~What is a bang?~
A bang is a fan event where writers are paired with artists for fanwork collaboration! First, creators sign up, and writers submit a summary for their fic. Then, pairing opens, so artists can make claims on the submitted summaries. Once pairing closes, mods determine assignments. After that, writers write their fics, and artists create art based on the summaries of those fics! When the deadline arrives, all work is revealed for everyone to enjoy!

~How do I sign up?~
Copy and paste this link into your browser: https://forms.gle/epJdUTAmr1t8y8xa7

Once you've submitted the form, you're signed up for the event!

~Are there content restrictions?~
No! None at all. Summer Solstice is open to all the fantastical ideas that pop into that big beautiful brain of yours. However! All work needs to be appropriately tagged.

~Are betas required?~
No! We do not require that Summer Solstice creators enlist the help of an art beta or beta reader. However: betas are strongly encouraged. Part of what makes a fanwork event fun is the collaboration, after all!

~Can I volunteer to be a beta?~
Yes! If you would like to beta, please sign up for the event.

~Is all content required to follow the mythical creatures theme?~
Yes! That is the idea behind the bang. Possible mythical creatures to include: angels, banshees, centaurs, dragons, elementals, fairies, gnomes, huli jing... and all the way on to witches, yetis, and zombies. Any mythical/fairy tale/fantasy creature you’d like!

~What are check-ins?~
Check-ins are just a way for mods to be sure you’re still actively participating, and you’re on track to finish your work by the deadline! Contributors have one week to reach out to mods for their check-ins. Dates are listed on the schedule.

~What if I can no longer participate in the bang?~
Let a mod know as soon as possible if you won't be able to finish the bang, using either of the methods listed at the end of the FAQ. The earlier you let us know, the earlier we can find a pinch hitter!

~What is a pinch hitter?~
A pinch hitter is someone truly amazing who agrees to create work for the bang as a back-up for those who drop out. There is no guarantee that anyone will drop out of the bang, but things happen! Regardless of whether anyone drops out, pinch hitters are welcome to post their work to the Ao3 collection.

~How do I sign up to be a pinch hitter?~
We are so glad you asked! Those who would like to be a pinch hitter for this exchange, please sign up for the event, and one of our mods will contact you.

( Made with Carrd )